It can be integrated into the existing motherboard connector. Switch to an RGB controller NZXT to add advanced RGB colors and lighting modes and create a daisy connection between other RGB accessories
The redesigned pump chamber, together with the Aer P cooler, provides better thermal performance for perfect liquid cooling
The beveled air intake and hydrodynamic bearings enable quiet operation, durability and powerful cooling capacity
Fine nylon sleeves were added to reinforce the rubber tubes. They provide an additional layer of protection for Kraken heatsink tubes and protect them from potential damage during handling
Not compatible with Kraken G12 Intel-compatible socket and CPU socket LGA 1700, 1200, 115X; AMD AM5, AM4, FM2+, FM2, FM1, AM3+, AM3, AM2+, AM2.The product is not compatible with the AM4 socket but is compatible with G12